Our Factories

Galvanizing Factory

The management of International Technology Company for Metal Industries (ITC) has established the largest galvanizing units in the world, utilizing the latest galvanizing technologies and purification units.

Specifications of the Galvanizing Tank:

  • The effective length of the tank is 14 meters.
  • The width of the tank is 1.7 meters.
  • The depth of the tank is 3.3 meters.
Main Specifications:
Pipe sizes range from ½ inch to 6 inches.
  • Pipe lengths range from 6 meters to 12 meters

Iron Sections:
  • The maximum length is up to 14 meters.
  • The weight of the section can reach up to 8,000 kg.

Uses: These products are used for drinking water pipelines, gas installations, industrial and electrical applications, communication towers, and other industrial projects.

Tubes and pipes factory

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